Monday, 14 November 2016


Welcome to my blog: Lozzie's Weight Loss Journey

Hello All, and welcome to what will be the first of many posts to this new blog of mine. This is my first ever blog so please bear with me as I try and figure out how it all works.

About Me:

My name is Lauren. I am 28 years old and mother of 2 beautiful boys. One is 3 1/2 years old, the other is only 4 weeks old. For as long as I can remember I have been overweight. And I am not one of those that is in a healthy weight range but just don't like my body, I have way too much excess weight and it needs to go. For good. I have tried to loose weight in the past, and i have to a small degree but i always loose motivation or make excuses in my head as why to eat that block of chocolate, or its raining.. i will exercise tomorrow. Tomorrow turned into next week, next week turned into next month.. and then I would have to start the process all over again. I would regain the little amount of weight that i had lost, and then the circle would continue.

But the circle MUST be broken. I am writing this blog as a way to keep myself accountable for my actions. I am responsible for myself, and I must take responsibility.

My Plan:

So I have tried several things before. Meal replacement shakes, tablets, calorie counting, 5:2, exercising and eating healthy. They have ALL worked! Its just once i have stopped, hello weight gain again. So my plan is to use a combination of all these. From all my vast research into different mythologies it always comes down to the same thing

Calories In V Calories Out = The bigger difference between the amount you eat and the amount you burn the bigger the weight loss. Yet your body still needs important vitamins and minerals to keep you fit and healthy. So Today is day 2 of Lozzie 2.0. Yesterday my daily goal was to drink only water. So no coffee, no soft drink, no flavoured Milk.. Just good old H20 and you know what. I survived. My body told me i wanted coffee.. My mind said no and guess what, I still feel fine. I think sometimes we just get ourselves into bad eating habits and then it becomes the  norm that we feel like we need it, but really we don't. And in know its only day 2, and i know i have a long way to go but i think i need to remember to take this a day at a time. I mean there is no magic solution that is going to make me go from a size 22 to a size 10 overnight. That is just dreaming, and i know that. It is hard work. But i am ready for that challenge.

My goals for week 1: 

- Join a gym (again)
- Write down everything I eat and when (So that i can view my eating habits and see where i need to change)
- Water only week! No Soft Drink or Coffee!
- Monitor my journey.
- Have fun

I will keep you all updated at least once a week, maybe more. Will let you know what i have been doing and how i have been feeling. Thanks for joining me on this journey.

STARTING WEIGHT: (Monday 14th November, 2016) 130.4kg.

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