Monday, 14 November 2016

Day 1

Day 1 


Today was not the best day to start my journey, I have been in pain all day (Back pain - caused by a combination of giving birth and being overweight) but as I have said before, I am determined not to back down. I decided to start of the new way of living before i started feeling unwell and didn't want to use it as an excuse to not start.

My plan for the day was to drink water. I am a shocker for going to the fridge and grabbing a sugary drink, so this week my goal is to only drink water. I was going to try and do a day of water fasting, just to get my body into a health kick and prove to myself it is mind over matter.

The medication that I am taking requires me to eat food though, so my new plan is just eat in moderation when needed. I managed to get through the day eating less than 1/4 of what i normally would, maybe even 1/6.

I grabbed my Fitbit out of hiding and chucked it on, curious to see how many steps i did in an average day without adding exercise. Although, wasn't an average day seeing as i spent 3+ hours in a car. Will start adding steps into my goal next week :)

Weight: 130.4kg
Steps: 6, 574
Water: Over 2L

Drink only water ✔
No food after 8pm ✔

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