Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Day 3

Day 3


Well today felt like a more productive day. Ryan was at day care so I took Liam to the shops and walked around. My goal today was to reach 10,000 Steps. Didn't have to be strenuous exercise, just to get moving. I spent about an hour wandering around the shopping centre, not really buying anything because at the moment I am broke and not working. Was still nice though, got some ideas about what to buy people for Christmas since that will be here before we know it.

Had a chiropractor appointment at 3, where my back got cracked and poked and prodded, so hopefully the pain will go away and I can start to feel normal again.

Tea was fish and a simple toss salad. Nice, health, quick and easy.  After tea I went for a walk to get in my final 3,000 steps i needed for the day. Was nice outside and I could have kept walking although I knew Liam wouldn't make it as he was due for a feed. Came back just as I hit 10,000 steps.. slow and steady can win the race :)


  • Walk 10,000 Steps ✔
  • Drink 2L of Water ✔
  • No food after 8pm ✔

Weight: 128.4kg ( ⬇ 2kg)
Steps: 11, 019

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