Day 7
Sundays are normally fun days. Today was not quite so fun, but was full on. The three year old had an attitude all day, I think he woke up on the wrong side of the bed!! He just had so much energy (if only I had half as much as him) and was running around like crazy going Mum, Mum, Mum. Liam on the other hand must have had pains because he just wouldn't settle, and then every time he was nearly asleep Ryan would scream something loudly and frighten him and the process had to start all over again... by the time 9pm rolled around I was so glad to see Ryan's bedtime..
Also didn't help that Nick, the finance, had been out of the house all day at basketball, then came home buggered and lied down!! I just wanted to shout I am buggered too, get your arse up! But I am the kind of person that just bottle in my feeling and dose what needs to be done (until I reach boiling point and explode.. and thats always interesting). I understand that he had done 7 games of basketball, but I have been up all night, not sleeping, chasing after little people.. not having a moment to myself. Sometimes I don't know which is worse. At least he is doing something for him, and something he loves. He can always say no, you can NEVER say no to being a parent. Although I will admit, after about an hour he perked up and Dad mode kicked back in and he started to help out. And once Ryan was in bed asleep I snuck out of the house for an hour and had some me time.. even though it was 10pm at night and dark.. but a good time to Munzee.
What is Munzee..
well it's fun! It is a kind of world wide scavenger hunt kind of game. You go outside with your smart phone and find QR codes to scan. QR codes have different icons attached to them and can be worth different points. The aim of the game is to get outside and get moving, as well as get as many points as you can. It's a never ending game because people are forever 'growing the map' and adding more qr codes to areas. You can to. It's free to play, although if you get addicted you can end up spending real money to purchase different things.. but you don't have to. I recommend checking it out. Download the Munzee app and sing up! Then start scanning. I will even add a code to get you a bonus 50 points at sign up.. just scan it as your first munzee then get out there and get hunting :) Good excuse to go for a walk. I was at about 5,000 steps before i went out last night, and managed to bump myself up to 7,500 without even realising it. :)
Scan me when you sign up to Munzee :)
Weight 126.8 ( ⬇3.6kg)
Steps 7,678
Cals In 1,062.5
Cals Out 3,439
Difference - 2,376.5
Daily Goals
Drink Only Water ✔No Food After 8pm ✔
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