Sunday, 27 November 2016

Week 3 Goals

Weekly Goals 

This week my goals are very similar to last week. Hopefully i can get there

  • Drink at least 2L of Water a day
  • Only 1 non-water drink a day
  • Keep A Food Diary
  • Go to Gym at least 3 times
  • 70,000 Steps
  • Calorie Difference of -7,000
  • Loss of 1kg or more


Week 2

Okay, So week 2 is done and dusted. It was a pretty mundane week really. The highlight of my week was the face that the new Gilmore Girls episodes came out!! I joined a gym but only managed to go once, this week I will have to up that. I have felt like i have eaten healthy, compared to what i use to eat, which is good. I have thought about what I am eating and restrained myself. There was one night where we went and got fish and chips for tea, so I opted for grilled fish and I only had a small amount of chips. I made myself stop eating them because I knew they were bad for me. I also did have some chocolate one day, but same... instead of eating the whole block, I managed to just have a small amount (There is still some in the fridge). I don't want to not eat these things, because that would just set me up for failure. It's more about portion control and restraining myself I guess. This week my goals will be on moving more and actually hitting the gym :)

GOALS - Summary

So me week 2 goals were:

Drink Only Water ✔

Drank at least 2L a day. No soft drink, Juice or coffee has touched my lips.

Keep A Food Diary ✔

Still writing everything down. Makes me think twice before i eat something.. do I really want to write that down. Think it is helping me keep my calories at a good level.

Join A Gym ✔

So I went in and singed up to rejoin my gym on Tuesday. Unfortunately I only managed to go once, Last night (Sunday). Although feeling good about going more often. 

70,000 Steps ✖

So I didn't quite reach the 70,000 Step mark. A few sleepless nights and binge watching Gilmore Girls only got me to 59,388 Steps. I find it hard to go out walking on days I have both kids as the older one just wants to run away. Hopefully going to the gym will help me reach this goal next week :)

Calorie Difference of -7,000 ✔

Calories In: approx 7,697
Calories Out: approx 24,621
Difference: -16,924

Loss of 1kg or more ✔

So last Monday I weighed 126.5kg. This morning i weighed 125.3kg. Thats a weekly loss of 1.2kg and a total loss of 5.1kg. 

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Week 2 Goals

Ok, as week 2 starts I need to see what my goals are, last week was a major focus on healthy eating. I am going to keep those goals, but also going to add in some exercise goals as well. So here goes

Weekly Goals 

  • Drink Only Water
  • Keep A Food Diary
  • Join A Gym
  • 70,000 Steps
  • Calorie Difference of -7,000
  • Loss of 1kg or more
Okay, wish me luck :)

Week One Overview

Week 1 Overview

So back in my first post my goals were:

Join a gym 

Havent done this yet, but it is on todays to do list.

Keep a food diary ✔

This I  have achieved. I have written down everything that i have eaten in the past week, and what time I ate it.

Drink only Water (no coffee, no soft drink) ✔

I have not had a single mouthful of juice, coffee or soft drink, and it wasn't actually that hard to do at all. Think I will keep this goal again for next week.

Monitor Journy ✔

I have been recording my daily weight and steps. And then later in the week my calorie intake. And have filled out a journal on here each day :)

Have Fun ✔

Playing Munzee last night was good! Christmas Parade was good. Have been rewatching Gilmore Girls in anticipation for next weeks revival.. always good :)

On Day 5 I also added...

-1,000 calories a day ✔

For the 3 days that I have been calorie counting i have achieved this, so i count that as a win.


Weekly Steps: 48, 666
Weekly Calorie Difference (Day 5,6,7): -6, 948
Weekly Weight Loss: 3.6kg

So my step count is not really near what I thought it would be but not too bad considering I haven't added exercise into my goals yet (except for one day). My aim for the week was to have a calorie Difference of more than -7,000 so I am pretty sure that that would have been achieve since I ate really healthy the first 4 days of the week and I pretty much got it in 3 days. I am happy with the 3.6kg weight loss, as it was week 1 a lot of that would have been water weight. My overall goal is to lose at least 1kg a week. So overall I would consider this week a success.

Day 7

Day 7


Sundays are normally fun days. Today was not quite so fun, but was full on. The three year old had an attitude all day, I think he woke up on the wrong side of the bed!! He just had so much energy (if only I had half as much as him) and was running around like crazy going Mum, Mum, Mum. Liam on the other hand must have had pains because he just wouldn't settle, and then every time he was nearly asleep Ryan would scream something loudly and frighten him and the process had to start all over again... by the time 9pm rolled around I was so glad to see Ryan's bedtime..

Also didn't help that Nick, the finance, had been out of the house all day at basketball, then came home buggered and lied down!! I just wanted to shout I am buggered too, get your arse up! But I am the kind of person that just bottle in my feeling and dose what needs to be done (until I reach boiling point and explode.. and thats always interesting). I understand that he had done 7 games of basketball, but I have been up all night, not sleeping, chasing after little people.. not having a moment to myself. Sometimes I don't know which is worse. At least he is doing something for him, and something he loves. He can always say no, you can NEVER say no to being a parent. Although I will admit, after  about an hour he perked up and Dad mode kicked back in and he started to help out. And once Ryan was in bed asleep I snuck out of the house for an hour and had some me time.. even though it was 10pm at night and dark.. but a good time to Munzee.

What is Munzee.. 

well it's fun! It is a kind of world wide scavenger hunt kind of game. You go outside with your smart phone and find QR codes to scan. QR codes have different icons attached to them and can be worth different points. The aim of the game is to get outside and get moving, as well as get as many points as you can. It's a never ending game because people are forever 'growing the map' and adding more qr codes to areas. You can to. It's free to play, although if you get addicted you can end up spending real money to purchase different things.. but you don't have to. I recommend checking it out. Download the Munzee app and sing up! Then start scanning. I will even add a code to get you a bonus 50 points at sign up.. just scan it as your first munzee then get out there and get hunting :) Good excuse to go for a walk. I was at about 5,000 steps before i went out last night, and managed to bump myself up to 7,500 without even realising it. :)

Scan me when you sign up to Munzee :)

Weight 126.8 ( ⬇3.6kg)
Steps 7,678
Cals In 1,062.5
Cals Out 3,439
Difference - 2,376.5

Daily Goals

Drink Only Water ✔
No Food After 8pm ✔

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Day 6

Day 6


Today was a good day. It was the annual town Christmas Parade, so I got organise in the morning and took the kids down to see all the floats. There were some pretty awesome ones. lots of fun in the air, and music. Liam managed to sleep through it all (as only a month month old can!) but Ryan liked the horses, and the people dressed up. Was a bit over it all by the end though, which is understandable as it was so HOT! I managed to come out sunburned.

Afterwards we went to the shops and had a little look around, and then headed back home. On the way home Mum
(who came with us) and Ryan got McDonalds for lunch.. and I said NO! Now I know thats not a huge achievement, but for me its a good thing. If I had of had something from there I would have gone over my calorie allowance in one meal!! Its amazing how good junk food can smell! Why can't healthy food smell as good.. okay, some can. But not anything that is as quick and easy to access as fast food.

So that was my win for the day!! Instead, I came home and had a meal replacement shake. I am still thinking about food as much, but its only a mental thing now.. I Don't crave it like i was earlier in the week, but I still mentally want it. Some habits are hard to break but it all comes down to MIND over MATTER. I know I don't need it... so I refuse to have it!!

Weight 126.9 ( ⬇ 3.5kg)
Steps 5,611
Calories In 849
Calories Out 3,064
Difference - 2215


Drink Water ✔
Calorie Difference over -1,000 ✔
No food after 8pm ✔

Friday, 18 November 2016

Day 5

Day 5


So today there is not much to say. Had my mum come down for a visit so spent the afternoon chatting with her. Nice and relaxing day.

Weight 127.4kg ( ⬇ 3kg)
Steps: 6, 853
Calories in: 893
Calories Out 3,250
Difference: -2, 357


Drink only water ✔
Eat a Piece of Fruit ✔
No Food After 8pm ✔

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Day 4

Day 4


So today was a bit of a lazy day. After not much sleep last night i decided it would be a good day not to leave the house, Plus the car was in the shop for a service and it was 30 degrees outside!! Not the best weather to take a newborn out in.

So today I decided to have a look at how many calories I should be consuming, so I looked at an online calculator and calculated how many calories a day I should be consuming. Apparently:

2,450 Calories = contain current weight
1,950 Calories = lose 0.5kg a week
1,450 Calories = lose 1 kg a week.

It also states that you should eat at least 1,000 Calories as a minimum to keep healthy. So my calorie intake goal is between 1,000- 1,450 calories a day. Also I don't eat enough fruit and veg, so my added goal is to eat at least a piece of fruit a day. Today I ate 2, a Banana and an Apple!! Yum!! Today i only got to 973 Calories, so almost there, mainly because I picked sleep over tea!! Also my Fitbit has an estimate of how many calories I have burnt for the day. So will be using that too. I read that It takes burning 3,500 calories to lose on pound of fat, which in metric terms is 0.45kg. So we are looking at just above the 7,000 calorie defect to lose 1kg. So by the end of each week i want to be at least -7,000 calories. An easy way to do these is aim for -1,000 a day (at least)

Slowly adding more goals, although they are simple goals to begin with.


Drink only water ✔
Walk 10,000 Steps ✖
Eat Healthy ✔
Eat A Piece Of Fruit ✔
No Food After 8pm ✔

Weight: 128.0kg ( ⬇2.4kg)
Steps: 5,873

Calories In: 973
Calories Out: 3125
Difference: - 2152

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Day 3

Day 3


Well today felt like a more productive day. Ryan was at day care so I took Liam to the shops and walked around. My goal today was to reach 10,000 Steps. Didn't have to be strenuous exercise, just to get moving. I spent about an hour wandering around the shopping centre, not really buying anything because at the moment I am broke and not working. Was still nice though, got some ideas about what to buy people for Christmas since that will be here before we know it.

Had a chiropractor appointment at 3, where my back got cracked and poked and prodded, so hopefully the pain will go away and I can start to feel normal again.

Tea was fish and a simple toss salad. Nice, health, quick and easy.  After tea I went for a walk to get in my final 3,000 steps i needed for the day. Was nice outside and I could have kept walking although I knew Liam wouldn't make it as he was due for a feed. Came back just as I hit 10,000 steps.. slow and steady can win the race :)


  • Walk 10,000 Steps ✔
  • Drink 2L of Water ✔
  • No food after 8pm ✔

Weight: 128.4kg ( ⬇ 2kg)
Steps: 11, 019

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Day 2

Day 2


Today, Tuesday was a long day. Mostly because my 3 year old decided he ended my attention every second of the day and my 4 week old decided he didn't need to sleep! Even through this I managed to stick to my goals today. Still simple goals at this stage. 

Was a pretty uneventful day, didn't really get out of the house except to go do the grocery shopping. While i was at home I got out my 'Symply Too Good To Be True' cookbooks and decided to cook some healthy version Tacos.. and it was a good choice! They were amazing. I think the less you eat the more you appreciate the taste of what you do eat. Its like when you eat a lot, you do it out of habit, and don't really enjoy it. Being as this was the first major thing i had eaten in 48 hours is was magnificent. 

Tomorrow the eldest, Ryan, is in day care so hoping the weather is nice and i can take Liam for a walk and get some light exercise in. 

Weight: 129.1kg (⬇1.3kg) - Mostly Water Weight
Steps: 5,058

Daily Goals: 

  • No Food before 1pm ✔
  • Drink 2L+ of Water ✔

Monday, 14 November 2016

Day 1

Day 1 


Today was not the best day to start my journey, I have been in pain all day (Back pain - caused by a combination of giving birth and being overweight) but as I have said before, I am determined not to back down. I decided to start of the new way of living before i started feeling unwell and didn't want to use it as an excuse to not start.

My plan for the day was to drink water. I am a shocker for going to the fridge and grabbing a sugary drink, so this week my goal is to only drink water. I was going to try and do a day of water fasting, just to get my body into a health kick and prove to myself it is mind over matter.

The medication that I am taking requires me to eat food though, so my new plan is just eat in moderation when needed. I managed to get through the day eating less than 1/4 of what i normally would, maybe even 1/6.

I grabbed my Fitbit out of hiding and chucked it on, curious to see how many steps i did in an average day without adding exercise. Although, wasn't an average day seeing as i spent 3+ hours in a car. Will start adding steps into my goal next week :)

Weight: 130.4kg
Steps: 6, 574
Water: Over 2L

Drink only water ✔
No food after 8pm ✔


Welcome to my blog: Lozzie's Weight Loss Journey

Hello All, and welcome to what will be the first of many posts to this new blog of mine. This is my first ever blog so please bear with me as I try and figure out how it all works.

About Me:

My name is Lauren. I am 28 years old and mother of 2 beautiful boys. One is 3 1/2 years old, the other is only 4 weeks old. For as long as I can remember I have been overweight. And I am not one of those that is in a healthy weight range but just don't like my body, I have way too much excess weight and it needs to go. For good. I have tried to loose weight in the past, and i have to a small degree but i always loose motivation or make excuses in my head as why to eat that block of chocolate, or its raining.. i will exercise tomorrow. Tomorrow turned into next week, next week turned into next month.. and then I would have to start the process all over again. I would regain the little amount of weight that i had lost, and then the circle would continue.

But the circle MUST be broken. I am writing this blog as a way to keep myself accountable for my actions. I am responsible for myself, and I must take responsibility.

My Plan:

So I have tried several things before. Meal replacement shakes, tablets, calorie counting, 5:2, exercising and eating healthy. They have ALL worked! Its just once i have stopped, hello weight gain again. So my plan is to use a combination of all these. From all my vast research into different mythologies it always comes down to the same thing

Calories In V Calories Out = The bigger difference between the amount you eat and the amount you burn the bigger the weight loss. Yet your body still needs important vitamins and minerals to keep you fit and healthy. So Today is day 2 of Lozzie 2.0. Yesterday my daily goal was to drink only water. So no coffee, no soft drink, no flavoured Milk.. Just good old H20 and you know what. I survived. My body told me i wanted coffee.. My mind said no and guess what, I still feel fine. I think sometimes we just get ourselves into bad eating habits and then it becomes the  norm that we feel like we need it, but really we don't. And in know its only day 2, and i know i have a long way to go but i think i need to remember to take this a day at a time. I mean there is no magic solution that is going to make me go from a size 22 to a size 10 overnight. That is just dreaming, and i know that. It is hard work. But i am ready for that challenge.

My goals for week 1: 

- Join a gym (again)
- Write down everything I eat and when (So that i can view my eating habits and see where i need to change)
- Water only week! No Soft Drink or Coffee!
- Monitor my journey.
- Have fun

I will keep you all updated at least once a week, maybe more. Will let you know what i have been doing and how i have been feeling. Thanks for joining me on this journey.

STARTING WEIGHT: (Monday 14th November, 2016) 130.4kg.